Friday, March 30, 2012

Branding Mockup

Here's a "branding mockup" sent over by the SUPER O people.:

SUPER O Mission to Mars branding mockup

I think it makes our technological marvel look like a junk food impulse buy in the Walmart checkout line.

If there is intelligent life on Mars, we're all going to be embarrassed as hell to be sending them a ship wrapped in an advertisement featuring a giant pair of lips.

"Abby" Black from Super O is all excited about it and I quote, "It's like we'll be giving the planet a big smooch!"

May I please kill him now?



Thursday, March 29, 2012

Flat image comp test - Remote Camera Simulation

Click here for video feed: Flat image comp test

Find attached an initial flat image comp for remote camera deployment in orbit. The trajectory is probably okay, but the lack of robust 3D simulation software gives the whole exercise a margin of error in the 90% range. Not good.

The upshot:
We can't run simulations using cut-and-paste images from Google searches.

When can we expect to start receiving operations funding from Super O? Our development window is rapidly closing, along with our margin for error.

At this rate we'll be sending the crew from Futurama to Mars and having a wacky adventure. I didn't sign up to do science this way.


Larry Carson, Mission Logistics

Monday, March 26, 2012


NASA2 Engineering team,
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT begin prototyping this proposed stasis-suit for the Mars mission. This WAS NOT generated by my office, by me, or by anyone possessing an engineering degree or anything more than a piece of Kleenex from some third-rate Graphic Design program at some fourth-rate online diploma mill. 

This "mock-up" was created by Abigal Black at Super O Cola, and DOES NOT represent a viable option for the stasis suit and more resembles some sort of (and I quote my niece here, I don't really know what she's talking about) "Daft Punk" steam punk thing of some kind.

Now I know you people are raring to go on building yourselves some test concepts, but again - I cannot stress this highly enough - DO NOT begin work on any schemes cooked up by that tweety bird nitwit at Super O. I know they're paying the bills, but we gotta do this thing right, or we're going to end up with a human popsicle instead of a well-preserved astronaut ready for revival and completion of the mission.

I've got a lot of faith in you people, and I know we'll come through with a dazzling bit of engineering that'll send ol' Abby whimpering back to his team of flaky twenty-something (and again, I quote my niece here, this jargon has me completely befuddled) "Emos".

Carry on,

Sam  Fulcrum
Director of Engineering, NASA2

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Application to NASA2 astronaut training program - Mission to Mars

Dear People of NASA2,

Hi. I would like to be considereed for the Super Oh Cola mission to Mars. I have just completed an eight-year tour of duty in the United States Air Force and have flown jets and other stuff. I bombed places to.

I know there's danger of meeting alien beings durnig the journey into deep Space. I feel I am qualfied to the job of being the United States or Earth emmmisary and greeting our brothers from the stars.

I am in great shape. During my time in uniform I did claesthentics and other kinds of exercise including Tae Bow and karate. I can run really far when chased by men with guns. It wasn't my fault I didn't know it was private proeperty.

Anyway, I tried to apply at NASA number 1, but you guys seem alot nicer and have money to do this.

I hope you will think about hiring me. I can start any time. If I'm not home, leave a message with my mom. She never goes out becuase of her sick leg. And dog.

Andrew P. Bascom, Lt.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Memo: Shayla Swanson to Abby Black - beverage can-shaped Space ship!

Hey Abs,
Don't let these NASA2 morons push you around. We need Super O's logo all over their stupid spaceship. Actually it's our spaceship, we paid for it.

Am considering telling them they need to build it in the shape of a Super O Cola can. It's not like it needs wings, for chrissake. I don't know why George Lucas needs to make people believe that wings are necessary in space and that everything flies like an airplane. A whole generation of kids have grown up believing - jesus, what do I care?

Anyway, I appreciate your making sure our branding objectives are met, and that you're not intimidated by their high IQs and patronizing attitude.

Never forget, financially we've got them by the balls. Space balls ; )


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Internal Memo, NASA2 re: Spaceship paintjob/branding

These Super O people are out of their fkn minsds. This little prick, Abner Black, their "branding director" or whatever stupid title this vapid weasel keeps waving around, wants to paint the Super O Cola logo on the side of the goddamn ship.

It's bad engouh they want to - they're MAKING US call the  Vanguard 1 "Super O Cruiser" and Vanguard 2 "Super O Xtreme", now we have to besmerach NASA's iconic white with this inane graffiti.

Jack over in Engineering tells me that the y paint they want to use is some shitty acrylic enamel house paint - a colored called Orange Orgasm, I believe. MOther of GOd. He says it won't last beyond lift-off and he's exploring the possibility of using some kind of electrolytic compound, bless his heart. On my part, I wouldn't shead a tear if their fuckign logo bubbles up and froths right off the starboard heatshield before the ship passes the ISS. SPeaking of which, I hear they've approached the "other"NASA about branding the international stpace station and suubsidizing the next Shuttle program. WHere do these lunatics get all this money?

I will of course suck it up and do my job. I'm proud to be part of NASA2, even if I've forfeited my civil rightas and have to live in a foritified compound in a secret location. It's a lot more spacious after Cheney's people moved the last of his crap out of there. Don't know what he needed the 500 cases of KY jelly for.

Warm Regards,

Marci "Mac" Percy
Mission Director, NASA2

cc: Fred Lambeau
     Jack Zalogawski
     Berger Madison

Friday, March 9, 2012

Excerpt - NASA2 / Super O Cola summit meeting


Director of Operations, Len Stanislaw
Mission Director, Marci "Mac" Percy
Logistics Officer, Fred "Cheese Head" Lambeau

Broadcast Producer, Shayla Swanson
Host, SUPER O SHOW, Franky Flavella
Branding Director, Abner "Abigail" Black

SUPERO(SS): So we're interested in bankrolling - wow, this is really good, where'd you get this?

NASA2(LS): Uh …

NASA2(FL): I think one of the office people picked them up, maybe Kevin. Probably from Breuggers.

SUPERO(SS): Really. Hm. Anyway, we're interested in funding a project from beginning to end.

NASA2(LS): What do you mean, all of it? That's like three hundred billion dollars, minimum.

SUPERO(SS, motions to beverage table): What do you see there? Super O beverages and snack products. We provide recreational food and drink to the entire western world and developing countries, with a deeper market penetration that any product line since the wheel.

NASA2(LS): Yes, well that's very impressive.

SUPERO(FF): It's fantastic!

NASA2(LS): Yes, of course it is. Uh, have you ever sponsored a project of this nature and size before?

SUPERO(SS): We're confident we can meet all the funding targets by any deadline you might wish to impose.

NASA2(FL): Well we need operating funds like yesterday.

SUPERO(SS): Done. Next problem.

NASA2(MP): What kind of mission were you interested in financing?


NASA2(LS,MP,FL): Mars?

SUPERO(SS): Mars. The big apple in space. We wanna take a bite out of it.

NASA2(LS): Bite?

SUPERO(AB): We want to launch a fully branded campaign, complete with social media and cross media programs designed to bring in viewership, not only from SUPER O consumers, but the entire world.

NASA2(LS): Oh.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Excerpt - NASA Commission letter to Special Appropriations Committee

" ... as the program has been funded solely through act of Congress and for the benefit of the American people and the people of every nation. The extreme and some might say, mean-spirited, nature of the proposed cuts has left the NASA Administration bewildered and deeply concerned for the ability of the American space program to continue as an effective agent of innovation and exploration for the truly "last frontier" of space.

The proud tradition of our program is one of bravery in the face of adversity, redoubled efforts in the face of daunting technological challenges. One can only conclude that the massive and crippling budgetary cutbacks reflect the short-sightedness and dismissive attitude recently displayed by yourselves and your esteemed colleagues when you treated public education as "an unnecessary expense and burden on taxpayers who should be able to select education options in a manner dictated by the marketplace, and not by academic elitists who wish to preserve an antiquated and expensive system, predicated on the view that Government must dictate to the American people where and how they are to be educated, and whether or not the faith they embrace is appropriate to provide a comprehensive and family-positive passage into adulthood for our children, and for generations to come".

This pedantic nonsense defies rational explanation, or any semblance of a thoughtful consideration of the issues at hand. It would seem that the blatant exploitation of public office for the purposes of promoting a subversively zealous and separatist agenda has left not only the Constitution in ruins, but has the the long-term potential to reduce America - once a leader in the empowerment of all its citizens, through education and opportunities provided to every individual, regardless of race, creed, color, or gender associations  - to a landscape of babbling constituents, led by a cabal of malicious opportunists and charlatans, hell-bent on squeezing every drop of decency and self-sacrifice from a nation of uneducated, gullible, ineffectual luddites, drinking this potion of integrity and national pride like a tequila shot, and pissing it into a Senate urinal, along with a highly suspect trace level of cocaine and viagra.

That being said, it is the decision of the NASA Administration, to divorce itself from the whims and caprices of a government that has abandoned the American dream of democracy and --- well, never mind, you're a bunch of lawyers, you get the point.

I'll put this as plainly as possible. We're going into business for ourselves. We are arranging financing - regrettably, in light of our past support from the citizens of the United States and a Congress until recently dedicated to the --- -  fuck it. You're on your own. We're teaming up with SUPER O COLA and the SUPER O family of companies. And they've got BILLIONS. And they've got some really talented people. Hell, the SUPER O COLA mail boy could keep the CIA running with one hand tied behind his back. I've met him - you don't mess with that.

If you're thinking about deploying the National Guard, we have missiles --- lots of missiles. So stay away. We're exploring space and you idiots can fend for yourselves. We have the best minds of our time onboard and we don't need your ilk for anything. We have desalinators, waste extractors, fuel refineries and an underground network of bases, fully equipped with a WWW3 network with 1024 bit encryption and full fiber optics. Bet you weren't expecting that. Stupid assholes.

In summary, you jerks can take a PT385 up the ass (if you didn't know, if you paid any attention to the appropriations bills for anything other than your moronic "bibles for babies" initiative, you'd know that a PT385 is an interstellar booster rocket prototype that we plan to test launch on the Senate chambers. This Thursday. So you might want to adjourn for a few days. You stupid fucks.

Warmest Regards,

General Len Stanislaw, USAF
Houston, Texas